Saturday 31 August 2013

Their Rules

The other day I was re-reading what I had written of a short story I'm working on called 'Tables on Chairs'. What I had was too long, too pathetic so I cut it. I cut over a hundred words, some of which I actually really liked but didn't work. I cut a bit where the main character talked about why he is unhappy in his marriage. He says how when he met his wife they had a way they did things - their rules - but time went by and it became her rules. The reason I love this video of Cristina and Owen - my favourite couple ever - is because it's all about it being their rules. The convention of being married ruined them - among other things - and this is their attempt to bring it back to the way they do things, their rules. Whether it works or not, well I'm not going to ruin that for anyone who hasn't finished the season. 

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