Thursday 13 September 2012

The Perks Of Being A Student, Wanna-Be Writer and Nerd

September 13th 2012 (3.55pm)

Dear friend,

My room is a nest. A nest of books. It hoards things. It hoards notebooks I have kept over the years that have blackened pages from the ink I've splattered on them. It keeps journals I have nursed over and lingered. It keeps - to random eyes - bits of crap but to me, memories - a Saw figurine, a mask from Venice, a wooden chest, a series of hand-written letters, some bought by myself, others, mainly, from one very special person.

My house is a collage. A collage of multi-bits. Bits from Elly's house, bits from my own, bits of Dom's, soon Sam's. It houses books that we all share - poetry on the side cabinet, Postsecret and cooking books. It keeps DVDs that we all linger over - Sex and the City when bored and feeling the urge to out-let my gay side. 

It's new. It's all very new and we plan on making memories in it, moans and worries, lingers and hopes.

Sincerely yours,
Thomas J. Stewart

September 13th 2012 (3.59pm)

Dear friend,

I don't think I'd be the person - the writer - I am today if I hadn't become a student. A student that has no money, likes alcohol a bit too much, works a lot in his part time job and then lazily slumps himself on the sofa watching shitty TV and bad films. I don't think I'd be the person - the writer - I am today if I hadn't experienced what I've experienced, met the people I've met. You understand, of course you understand but a lot has happened and I wouldn't be the person I am today if it hadn't. When people ask what the perks of being a student is, I'd tell them the experiences you have and the people you meet. 

Nerds like myself that love what I love. People very different from myself who adore other things, new ideas, new worlds. 

So, until then, friend, when we make more memories.

Always yours,
Thomas J. Stewart

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