Tuesday 29 May 2012

After My Hiatus

It's been a while since I've written for my blog and I don't think I have an excuse but after reading an article on Thought Catalogue about dating a writer and the truth that the article held. (http://thoughtcatalog.com/2012/things-you-should-know-before-you-date-a-writer/It basically said writer's are messed up. And that is very true. I guess writers spend a lot of time thinking about writing or, more importantly, trying to get their head around being a writer. Do writers actually understand what they're supposed to be? What their positions in life really is? Most definatley not, that's why we write. We write to make sense of things. Purposes, meanings and so on. 

I don't think a day goes by that I don't sit down at my desk and think about what kind of writer I will become, when that story I thought was shit is actually published or the poem that I loved will get rejected. I received a nice rejection letter the other day where two of my stories were called 'uncrisp' and needed to be 'crisper', I'm still trying to get my head around it but I shall try and do as the editor said. But, one day, when a story gets published or, as the dream is, a book then what kind of writer will I become?

But what kind of person is a writer? There are so many types, I guess I can only think of a few based on those I have around me. There's the occasional writer (my friend Vicky), the thoughtful writer, the one who ponders over things for a while before writing (my friend Dom), the silent writer, the one who is working on big projects but doesn't really talk about them or when he does people get confused because there's so many names and stories (my friend Sam), the insane writer, the obsessive writer (myself) and so on. 

It is true that I love writers and today's blog is my thoughts, I guess, to the article I just read. What stayed with me was the bit about being busy. Writers are always busy but we're just busy in different ways. I have six articles to write and a mountain of work to do for my third year, as I want to get that first. But not just that but my mind. My mind is busy. In my mind I have so many stories taking shape. For today, dear friends, it's just about writing and what I think and what will become. 

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