Friday, 8 June 2012

Time Traveler's Wife: The Modern Lolita?

I was in work today and was thinking about 'The Time Traveler's Wife'. I don't know why it came into my head but it just sort of popped and the line "I wouldn't change one second of our life together" came into my head - I think this is from the trailer, not the book but ah well. Anyway I was thinking about it in black and white - sometimes I live in that world. A older man meets a young girl and tells her one day she will grow up and marry him. She grows up and has this idea that one day she will meet this man, she does and she falls for him, naturally, he said she would, she fulfilled his prophecy. Then they embark on an epic relationship and then it ends in tragedy.

If you heard this would you not be thinking of the word 'groomed'? Did Henry not groom Clare into loving him? Make her believe he was the one for her? 

I haven't read 'Lolita' yet - in fact it just turned up at my door this morning and had the wrong cover - so annoyed! - anyway, I have not read it. But I know the basic premise - a pedophile obsessed about a young girl. Is 'The Time Traveler's Wife' not the same? Does Henry not obsess over a young girl, a young girl he grooms and will soon love him? This may be a ridiculous notion, but since when did literature seek to prove the truth? Literature merely throws around thoughts and opinions and hopes they work. 


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