Monday 11 June 2012

Flash Fiction Take Two

I sent my flash fiction off to my tutor, Catherine, the other day and she said they would work if they were in a group, a series almost. So, it was 3am and I couldn't sleep and was in the mood to write some brutal flash fiction about relationships. My theme for the series of relationships - the realism of them. Here's what I got: 


The world was a wonderful place, until he turned to his wife and said “I slept with someone else,” and then the world fell apart.


“I bumped into George today,” he said.
                “George who?” she asked.
                “The man you cheated on me with.”


They lay there against the sheets, naked and fulfilled.
                He smiled.
                “What?” He asked.
                “I think...I think I like you,” he said.
                He paused. “I’m leaving in two days,” he replied.


There was no lipstick on his shirt; he wasn’t stupid enough for that. But when she looked around the bedroom after her trip she noticed the hat had been moved. He knew not to move it. She, herself, hadn’t moved it either. And then she knew.


“Why did I marry you?”
                “Because you love me.”
                “I don’t love you. I hate you.”


“Where were you last night?” he asked.
                “Out with Kate.”
                “Oh. Good night?”
                She knew that he believed her. He always did.


She knew she loved him. She had loved him ever since they first kissed; she just never had the guts to say it. Until, one day she said, “I have something to tell you.”
                “What’s that?” he said.
                “I love you.”
                He didn’t say it back.


Two weeks after they broke up he logged onto Facebook to look at his account. He scrolled down until he saw the word that read “in a relationship” and then his heart sank.

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